Im Januar und Februar 2023 hing meine Fotoausstellung zu unserem Umweltfotobuch Solutions im Rathaus Lichtenberg.

Die Bilderrahmen sind zu 95% recycelt und neu angestrichen. Es hat mich besonders gefreut das die Ausstellung kostenlos und barrierefrei war. So konnten die Besucher:innen des Rathauses gemütlich entlang laufen und lauter nachhaltige Lösungen für eine bessere Welt entdecken. Auch Vernissage und Finissage waren gut besucht. Ich durfte viele spannende Gespräche führen und dafür bin ich sehr dankbar!

Vielen Dank auch nochmal an das Bezirksamt Lichtenberg für diese Möglichkeit!
Spoiler: im Sommer bauen wir die Ausstellung nochmal auf das Moyn Moyn Musikfestival! Seid ihr auch dabei?

The action starts 15/04/22

After our arrival to a place in Poland, we started to explore the situation at the Ukrainian border: we visited a big registration center:

It was placed in a huge empty shopping centre and had a very well established support structure with many NGOs and volunteers offering help with food, clothes, medical care, accommodation, necessary information about transport and kids activities. The Ukrainian people arrive mainly with big busses and stay for few days before leaving to their further destinations. Many children were around and joined us when we started to do some small circus interactions. We set up the contacts with the kids space and agree to return next day with a small circusshow and interactive animation in the morning. We spoke with the different volunteers to get a more clear picture about the current situation and were very touched by the stories and insights we heard. It motivated us even more to bring the joy and playfulness of the circus to this place. >>Words by Tomek

The journey begins 13/04/22

The journey to Poland and a new heart project of mine begins. I am leaving Berlin to accompany a group of circuspedagogs and circusartists to the Ukrainian border- calling themselves Mobile Circus for Peace. They are willing to bring joy, playfulness and safety to the kids effected by war. Everything is selforganized and groupconsens practiced. With the collected donations of a charity circus-event beforehand, the Mobile Circus for Peace is on the way to bring some magic to those who are in need. I see a lot of value in this project, since there are only few measurements at the ukrainian border to keep the peace of mind.

A Mobile Circus for Peace 05/04/22

A few weeks ago I started to engage with the Mobile Circus for Peace project, a group of circuspeople, willing to support people suffering from the current war in Ukraine. They want to bring pedagogical circus activities to the kids at the polish-ukrainian border. Children need play to process the stressful, sometimes traumatic experience they are going through. Relaxation is the base for a deeper therapeutical treatment.
Afer a long journey in trains and waiting for hours in lines, the kids are hungry for movement and input. There are still to little offers meeting the needs of the children effected by the war. This sunday 10/4/22 the Mobile Circus for Peace organize a charity Circus Gala to collect donations to be able to go to the border. I took a video to make this important approach visible and invite you all to come and enjoy an evening full of entertainment and solidarity.

Ukrainian Gathering at Moos Space Berlin 01/04/22

Wellcome at Moos Space in Berlin, where the inhabitants of the building complex and the team of Living Solidarity wellcome people to gather with the Ukrainian Community to empower each other and create a dialogue on how to implement solidarity as the foundation of life.

A typical ukrainian meal is cooked each time by ukrainian volunteers. There is clothes to give away and printed pages to learn each others language. Games were played around the fire, to get in contact with each other. The Mobile Circus for Peace project provided a space for kids to play.

Come over next Thursday, bring your Ukrainian friends!
Each Thursday at the backyard  Moosdorferstrasse 7-9, Berlin.
This is the beginning of a new projects – stay tuneed.

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